Kobe fashion

Kobe elegance
"Kobe fashion" as represented by "Kobe elegance" has a close connection with pearls.
Kobe fashion will be refined without being swept away while flexibly incorporating the trends of the times.
Kobe fashion has been accepted as a natural style because of its fashionable temperament that has been passed down since ancient times when it prospered as a port city, and "Kobe Elegance" is still the mainstream.
"Upstream elegance" and "upstream lady" are also famous for the words that you often hear, but Kobe fashion is also called "conservative elegance", and conservative is the basis, and the elegance cultivated for a long time is combined with the Kobe style as it is today.
Without destroying the product, we will sharpen our sensibility to the fashion and pay close attention to even one small item.
Such a style may be a longing for women.
One of the sights we often see at shops in Kobe is a scene where a very nice mother and daughter are shopping happily.
It may be one of the Kobe styles that the fashion style of parents and children will be inherited and established.
We tried to unravel the history of why such a Kobe style took root.